As usual the new year celebrated well in the television shows, brigade road, out skirts farmhouses, new year offers in the usual my last day of the year started well @ work and leaving late night as usual..after 7'o clock i m the only person the floor doing some thing in the system...
while going back to home..everyone in the road very casually blocking my car and saying Happy new year wishes ..the happiness on every human faces....the tired human minds in the metro's needs some break, happiness, the energy to break the routine rule set's..
but this kind of celebrations were well marketed by news papers like times of india ( which bothers only about techies and hindi speaking peoples in bangalore) , hotels, bar's, pub's ,commercial stores...
i would have recived more than 25 messages for request to celebrate my new year in their bar or hotel..rates starting from 5000 Rs, VAT extra,,
the AirTel openly announced that the messages sent on their network on Dec 31st and Jan 1 would be charged at 1rs/message...need to find out the MBA brainy behind this :)
the urban middle class is hungry on the electronic good's were well promptly used by all the stores...the fake discount and useless gifts were ensured enough to keep them always in the EMI dizzy..
big crowds on the temples, really to mandate to have special prayers on the Day one?? is these local god's never had any idea about this new year celebrations special pooja before 20 or 30 years in india..even local god's also changed their habitats :)
on the Jan 2nd world resume's as usual..roads are empty..lot of waste across all the important roads in the bangalore..traffic constables busy in achieving their target in the new year eve...
as usual poor persons looking for the job which will earn his next day food..
nothing is changed ..everything as usual.. the day has to be treated as a milestone on our life been totally used by multi nationals for their sake..
but anyway ...if i dont say wont be good to put a full stop here..Very happy new year..have a blast...
personally i don't need more in the year 2011..i am happy with what i have with me now....but really badly honesly need only one thing..I .can t live like this..on seeing her eyes i m flattened..i can t speak anything more..her style, the way she handles the things,the way she speaks, the way she walks, the way her behavior constructed..hmm i am totally off..never i had been to this kind of surrender ..i like her..i admire everything what she does..i like the careness to everyone expect me...i like her chatting smiley's..i like her patience..i like her coolness.. hey i should stop it now..else i would be writing like this for next 100 pages...
but finally ...if you are true for something finally you will have it...i really trust those words..
the release of the ULFA leader Arabinda Rajkhowa opens the doors of the peace process of the troubled Assam.the state which is having lot of natural resources and beauties disturbed heavily by the ULFA violence....even though some of the demands of the ULFA really make sense but the violence is not the right tool to ac chive that. the domination of the hindi and bengali speaking peoples and their attitude towards the innocent assamesse's were the main problem of this dispute.. the forth coming dialogues should resolve of the long standing problems of the democratic india..
the dialogue of ULFA should bring strong solid peace verdict to people of Assam and should set example for the rest of the country.. a Strong india with good respect to the regional language speaking only will enrich this multi lingual multi ethnic democratic india.. Jai Hind !!
now a days its very easy to find out the dispute across the states , language fanaticism..the modern day leaders are good in using the youth for their selfishness and gaining their popularity by triggering the differences..
but our indian history has already set various examples on this kind of incidents..
it was November 1st 1956, the more states were carverd out from then madras among is the present day Andhra pradesh..
the people in AP demanded for the city Madras( chennai )... as a evidence north chennai had maximum number of telgu speaking population ..lot of negation's, battle chennai a port city and business hub both the parties did not wanted to loose..
but finally the settlement arrived... Chennai belongs to Tamil and Tirupathi belongs to Andhara...with few conditions...
thirupati,thirumala the tamil speaking region and the temple constructed by tamil kings..the chants and the all the old evidences of the temple cites to the tamil dominance...where chennai city the majority of the people speaks telgu and the site belongs to AP straightforward on the linguistic basis ..
but without city Chennai the new state tamilnadu will lack on the resources but AP already has one natural port city vishak..
so thirupathi would be given to AP and chennai to Tamil with one condition..
Tamil would be one of the official language in the thirupathi and Telugu would be one of the official language in Chennai..
Still this tradition is followed across both the places..